A skin tag is a benign slender skin growth
frequently found in adults of all ages and typical areas are around the neck, armpits, groin and torso. Skin tags come in many different shapes and sizes and can range from a few millimetres in length to a few centimetres. Skin tags feel soft and fleshy and are usually skin coloured. They can be removed by your doctor or you can do it yourself with the help of TagMole, in your home environment. A large skin tag can also be called a soft fibroma.
Skin tags can be removed in your home environment with the help of TagMole, making it shrink and fall off within 1 or 2 weeks.

Seborrheic keratosis, also called “age warts”
are harmless and very common skin growths that usually appear from the middle age and onwards. Some individuals may have only one while others have several. Larger age warts can be removed at a clinic by a doctor either by freezing them with liquid nitrogen, also called cryosurgery, or by scraping them off with a sharp curette. Small age warts on a shaft can often get mixed up with skin tags due to similar appearance. However, skin tags are skin-colored while small age warts can be skin- and brown-colored.
Small age warts on a shaft on a shaft can be removed in your home environment with the help of TagMole, making it shrink and fall off within 1 or 2 weeks.

A mole can be flat or elevated
or even a combination of both. An elevated mole is a benign mole characterized by its domed shape. These moles are very common. Flat moles are usually brown-colored while elevated moles can be both pigmented and skin-colored.
Elevated moles can be removed with help of TagMole but only after consulting your doctor and having them checked!